Time & Season


way back when we were all young! Lol- isha, me cradling ashley and sarah...joshua came four years later.


Okay, so my kids are in Australia, one in Auckland and me here at home with Mum who's staying for a week then i'm on my own. On my own, hmm,  never been since i got married so this would be new. Waking up and sleeping in, no urgency to cook something or anything for that matter, i could very well live on toast and coffee.
On my own- would be the statement of the year for me i guess. Everyone seems to be leaving...and i'm so glum about it, i know you're tired of reading about my ho-hums and such...but there's a twinge of sadness here in my heart because my best friend is leaving for a life in Perth, for good. I'll miss her. I'm so used to knowing she's just around.
Even if we live busy lives and i have almost been eaten up by work + other demands it's comforting to know that she's just a phone call away, in fact, just 5 minutes away from home.
It sucks even more now with family parties,because she won't be there anymore. I can't help feeling a bit blue. She's always been there for me and my family and accepts me for who i am. Now, the only interaction we'll be making is through facebook...at least. sigh...i hate goodbyes, especially if it's farewelling your best mate. I almost couldn't believe that she's going and it sucks. Big time.

Isn't it tragic, i think anyway, that we are only given a measure of time to spend with people we meet in this life, whether they're family or friends? It always seem to be that we live on borrowed time. We develop friendships, good ones, we learn to love but we cannot be with them for long, except for a lucky few maybe.
Even with our children...we raise, nurture and love them but when they grow up we also have to let go. They only stay with us for a time and season. So really, i suppose we have to treasure and make the most of what we have with our loved ones because truly, for the most part we are all like passing ships.

It's for this very reason I dread growing old. I know that sounds absurd but to be left alone with memories of people who have been part of your life and have moved on to me is depressing. On the flip side of the coin, well, maybe i will meet and make new friends again...who knows.
If the Lord tarries and i get to live to my 80's (chuckle...) well, i think i best write a book, maybe about the  people i have loved...the friendships, the stories, the adventures, and everything else. It's like re-living your life all over again, however, through the pages of a book.


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