ANYWAY- for the sake of distraction-------
i have just read an article about scientists growing artificial protein to be used as meat for the masses my dearie, using an 'in vitro' or culture method. Yuck. Artificially cultured protein as meat substitute? no thank you, i'd rather go vegan. Well, it is for all intents and purposes technically- is meat because meat is just basically protein but what they're growing in those Netherland labs for sure isn't 'true' meat, not natural anyway. They are from stem cells harvested from calves then grown and cultured in laboratories. One burger patty consists of 3,000 pieces of this artificially grown muscle and 200 of artificially grown fat.
Gosh, that is freaky. They're trying to sell this idea to the public as 'synthetic burgers' so they'll come in the form of patties, how pathetic. Makes me want to puke, excuse me. I can just see it-
'Can i please order one synthetic burger patty combo with extra large genetically modified fries, uhm, add a pig-fat, diabetic inducing chocolate sundae and a 8 tbsp. sugar laden Coke please. Thank you!'
I think it's quite unethical and on all levels metaphorically speaking or not- quite distasteful. I won't feed my children nor my grandchildren burgers made out of lab-grown bovine cultured stem cells of protein and fat. Straight from the petri dish? goosebumps.
See how this article made my blood boil? however- i think we all know where this is coming from anyway. I have blogged about this ages ago on my now defunct Friendster blog- that the balance of supply and demand food wise is becoming quite tipped to the extreme, esp. now i would imagine, given the burgeoning population of the world. How could we possibly continue feeding the people of the earth? plus the fact that we are living a lot longer. We are encouraged to have sustainable backyards, i guess if we all grow our veges and meat that would be helpful but modern lifestyle really don't support that does it? i mean we almost literally live where we work and too exhausted when we get home. That's another matter.
The ball started rolling with Genetically Modified (GM) foods- soy, corn, salmon etc...then there came the pig cloning issue and now this...back to the most classic method of growing culture in the humble petri. I suppose the sad truth is despite the ethical dilemma of food source, in the end we would eat anything to keep alive. Where it came from wouldn't matter as long as it sustains us.
Ethical boundaries would really be pushed to the limit or expanded as new perimeters would be set to adjust with current situation. Feels like a scene from a futuristic movie...but we are headed there.
I remember watching the Jetsons family cartoon when i was younger and Rosie served them capsules for b'fast, lunch & dinner- that was their food. I was quite amused back then. Now i'm no longer because this is the generation (as the Bible predicted) where science will dominate and as we can see anything just goes. Man's own knowledge will lead us to our own demise. May sound morbid but it is true...
All i can say is- am glad i'm a christian in this age because things are gonna get worse, i'll leave it at that.
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