{ Spring has Sprung ! }


I love trees. I do, and for every season I have a favourite one, see. I always wait for Magnolias to bloom every winter, in fact I anticipate it & when they start to form lovely fat buds, I get excited. Spring really delights my soul, tis the time when everything grows! just wonderful...
My favourite flowering trees are- magnolias and cherry blossoms, plus poppies ;-)
 I love the tinge of dark pink in their petals, & how the shade goes lighter to the tip, even the twigs have their own beauty, it's so dramatic. I can't resist to nick a flower whenever I pass by a Magnolia.

The Cherry blossoms though have just worn their gowns of powdery pink flowerettes, it's just delicious and I can't wait when they start to fall like snow ! hmmm....
In a little village here called Greerton, a whole avenue is lined with these pretty trees and I just love sitting in one of the wooden benches whilst sipping my large cup of moccha, enjoying the view, admiring them. It calms me, really & it reminds me how beautiful Gods creations are. During fall, I wait when they again change-when their leaves turn from green into rusty, earthy & bronze hues, amazingly breathtaking...It's a dress rehearsal all year long & it's amazing to watch. How I literally take the time to smell the flowers & enjoy nature's offerings around me is well & good I suppose, it  soothes my soul.
 God is so thoughtful, He displays His creations beautifully for us to enjoy, and if we just take the time to sit and take notice, it's just there for our eyes and our soul to take in. Give it a try, it's therapeutic & most of all, it's free ( ha,ha). And hey- don't get me started on the grandeur of the sky, it's a whole new post if i may say so (chuckle...).
Well, kidding aside, it makes you think, isn't God the greatest artist of all times?



  1. What a very beautiful photo.
    I would have to agree that God is the artist above all. After all he created us and there are some beautiful people in this world inside and out:)

  2. Beautiful picture plus music. Yes nothing beats simple pleasures if you have an eye for beauty. Thanks for sharing that positive vibes with us.

  3. Peaceful and gracious..

    Dorothy from grammology


Wow, thanks for your feedback- I truly appreciate that you took the time to comment. Cheers!


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