{New Moon Boycott ?}

I have a feeling, I am the only person this side of town who hasn't watched New Moon yet- even my hubby went to the cinema with my girls to watch it the second day it opened. Boohoo...but I don't really feel compelled to watch it right now anyway, I find the other films 'Where The Wild Things Are'  and 'Julie & Julia' more intriguing. I'll wait a couple or more months when it's on dvd. 
Isn't it amazing how even adult- 'adults' rave about this vampy series? does this mean we are all very much young at heart? LOL... In the homeopathy class I was in, our tutor was bragging how she has read the books Twilight and New Moon! that was cute, considering she's in her fifties ;-)  Hmmm, I think another one of my tutor is a vamp fanatic too....Oh well, life's few simple pleasures I guess. We all remain young at heart and maybe it is a good thing. 

On another note:

I went around town this morning, and visited my favourite shop Hot Ginger, I love looking around their stuff:


I just loove that painting, titled 'Maori Wedding', it's so beautiful !!! the white backdrop really livened up the other colours in the canvass. Unfortunately, lovely artworks demand a good amount- tsk, tsk, I can't afford it, sigh!


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